Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.

Monday, February 23, 2009

rough cut

Today I am submitting a rough cut to NewFest. Una Tarde en el Agustino (An Afternoon in Agustino) is a 14-minute short documentary that visits a group of three gay men and one transgender female who are starting a community center in their working class neighborhood in Lima, Peru. The focus of their work is education and counseling to prevent HIV & STIs (sexually transmitted infections) in their district. Cuti, the main character is an entrepreneur whose life has taken an interesting path to local activism. The final version will be done at the end of March and a trailer may eventually be posted. Who knows with the Oscar for short doc going to a film that featured an organization maybe I'm catching a wave - anyone want to finance my theatrical release? ;)
Hoy envie una version incompleta de un cortometraje a NewFest (el festival de cine LGBT de Nueva York). Una Tarde en el Agostino es un documental de 14 minutos que visita a tres hombres gais y una travesti que se dedican a fundar y desarrollar un centro comunitario en su barrio de Lima, Peru. El enfoque de su trabajo es educar al publico sobre la prevencion de VIH e ITS. Cuti, el caracter central, es el dueno de un salon de belleza cuya vida ha seguido un camino interesante al activismo.
La pelicula sera finalizada a fines de marzo y puede que se pone un anuncio video corto al fin del mes.

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