Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


The first big difference I noticed after being laid off is how few keys I have on me. Not that I carried around that many before, but fully half were work related. I had access to a lot of places, I came and went as I pleased. It's funny to come home at night now and have that urge to check the work e-mail, one of my bad habits. Slowly I am letting go.


Blogger Chris D. said...

It is weird isn't it? Makes you almost feel like a ghost. A Butoh dancing ghost. Every time I walk by One Wall Street or 388 Greenwich Street, I think, "Wow. I can't set foot in that building anymore without an escort." Fortunately, you can still set foot in The Center, but it will feel different.

I'm glad you're still blogging. I hope you'll continue your daily ritual; a daily ritual is a good thing to have and do when your biggest daily ritual of work suddenly isn't there anymore.

Hope you're well,


8:18 PM

Anonymous Mike said...

Wow, Powerful picture message there. I feel for you. It is tough out there right now. Take care of your self and let me know when you are going to come visit us.


8:41 PM


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