Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I signed up to make phone calls for marriage equality in Maine. A voter referendum is seeking to overturn a law that allows same-sex couples to marry. The wording of the ballot question is a bit confusing which is part of the campaign (you can see a video of that here). Spoiler: You should vote No on Question 1 if you are voting in Maine.
I am still amazed at how easy it is to participate in democracy when you feel so inclined. While I had made calls for the Obama campaign on my cell phone when fed a list of numbers in PA counties from their website, this operation is a bit more sophisticated. You sign up and then call in to a web meeting where they explain it to you. (There was even a person from the Netherlands participating in my training!) Basically the system connects to your cell and makes the calls for you. You record the result for each call online and then proceed to the next call. It's nice to see resources well spent.


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