Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.
Monday, September 08, 2008
For being under the weather on Saturday I came back with a vengeance yesterday. Biked downtown to do some work and then hit the Howl Festival for the Low City show. This photo was taken from my camera phone after it was over. I had used up the 2 GB memory card on my camera. After that a quick beer with Basil & crew, then a beer and some herring with the German gang, and then a last glass of wine with Jorge and friends - it was his birthday yesterday. I walked him to the train and we talked and he showed me some pictures he took in Morocco. It was sweet to have a moment with him as he is leaving soon. I turned around and noticed the Monument in Lights is already on as two blue columns shot into the night. And then he left.
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