On arrival in North Carolina for the wedding of Courtney, Cullen insisted we go to the lake and lay out, he wanted us out of his hair, I fell asleep and burned, oh the misery.
From Ridavio. One of the things I do love about my work is learning about new subject areas. I met Michael Goldman recently and taped a presentation for his Manhattan AWAKE sleep apnea support group. It's a very dynamic group that holds monthly meetings and he gets top specialists in the field of sleep treatment and research. Dr. Rapoport certainly counts among them and in his talk he presented several new technologies for sleep apnea treatment. In this excerpt he talks about the invention of CPAP in Australia and the economics of treating a disorder that may affect up to 20% of the population - more than diabetes.
It took several attempts to capture the particular texture of this iris in Riverside Park. It sparkled in the afternoon sun like something made of sugar.
In the lobby of the Jane Hotel after brunch with Basil at the delightful Cafe Gitane. The coffee was OK, so we'll be back. And I want to try that multi-grain bread with avocado on top.