Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


b, originally uploaded by ridavio.
And continuing with our 'Faces of Pride' mini-series, I bring you Dr. Barbara Warren, the new director of the Hunter College Institute for LGBT Social Science and Public Policy, a veteran ally in a long struggle for LGBT equality. There was an inspiring inauguration at this unique institution. The full photo album of this lovely morning is you know where.


Roosevelt House

Roosevelt House, originally uploaded by ridavio.
The final pride event of the season happened at Roosevelt House. It was a moving experience that morning in this house. 
This pair of townhouses was the home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and their mother Sara, in New York City. They have just renovated it into an amazing space for their institute and there is currently an interesting exhibit of photographs from the Great Depression and the New Deal.
As I looked at all the memorabilia in the library it struck me how radical Roosevelt was, but then looking further at the photographs from that era I realized that his approach was simply that of a man caring for and doing something for his fellow man. He was creating policy for citizens and human beings in need and a country desperate to finally move forward. I like the title of the exhibition: Picturing Policy: Reimagining Government in the New Deal .
It's helpful to think of a country that pulled together and sacrificed at one time to win a war and recover from economic catastrophe. I don't understand this current zeal to cut deficits at all costs, I don't understand this constant moaning from people who don't want to pay taxes. We have become such a narrow country, with such a small vision for the future. We have become a country where taking care of our citizens is a radical idea.
As Dr. Warren mentioned, ten years from now they will be saying, 'What were they thinking?' although she was referring to the Hunter students the Institute will educate on LGBT policy issues. Let's hope some future leader will be able to re-imagine policy in a world that values humanity over profits and budget deficits. I'm glad someone is working toward that world.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

got pride?

got pride?, originally uploaded by ridavio.
I hope you got plenty, I got a bit myself. In New York City this year, I actually missed the Pride Parade/March, what have you. Visiting an art opening at Clifton Benevuto in SoHo, my friend and I got so caught up in chatting with the artists and drinking Bloody Mary's that by the time we biked back up to the village it was nearly 4pm and the 'Parade had passed by!' You can see a full album of this gallery day you know where.


feel it?

 feel it, originally uploaded by ridavio.
as, in 'can you feel it?' that's a rhetorical question late on a Saturday evening, and actually more like Sunday morning, on the dance floor of Nowhere for Double-headed Disco.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

to HAF

HAF, originally uploaded by ridavio.
or not to HAF, that is not the question for the boys of Hispanic AIDS Forum, who offered free rapid HIV testing at Harlem Pride this year - how could you refuse a face like that! It was the first Harlem Pride ever and I look forward to bigger and better next year. See the full album of Harlem Pride, you know where.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


smile, originally uploaded by ridavio.
From a new and highly personal 'Faces of Pride" mini-series, I bring you Andres, a true hero of the LGBT community of NYC, he is a committed social worker with his own consulting practice and at the LGBT Community Center. He has been unfailing in advocating for fellow immigrants and other marginal individuals of the LGBT community. (He also happens to be single and available this summer - so act fast, gentlemen!) This picture taken at Mayor Bloomberg's Pride reception at Gracie, access courtesy Mr. H. Happy Pride everyone!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

in transit?

Spending a few last moments of together time with my parents at Wichita Midcontinental, aka ICT, before boarding my puddle jumper this afternoon; the conversation turns to airports and Mom suggests O'Hare is one of her fav's. Stuck here as AA e-mails further delays I have to say I agree with her. You have to love the amount of light they allow in throughout the venue. And I have counted no less than four Starbucks in terminal R alone. Not that I'm a fan of the brand, but let's face it folks, when you arrive all groggy eyed first thing in the morning at LaGuardia, the caffeine options aren't that strong or appealing.
So O'Hare gets the vote of the day, and I have to also recommend the Shock Top on tap near gate K9.
For visual aesthetic I would also recommend Seattle, love the woodwork and those planes, the birds in flight. And I have always been partial to the retro tropical charm of Miami, not to mention our traditional stop at La Carrita for un cortado.
So what is you fav airport either U.S. or elsewhere? You can rate for convenience, visual stimulation, services or all around best place to be suspended for a few hours.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


flyover, originally uploaded by ridavio.
Technically I was back in what is called 'Fly-over Country' this last weekend. Naturally, it looks amazing from the air.


Monday, June 21, 2010


A lost Kansas boyhood, rediscovered in an attic in Wichita, KS.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day to an excellent Dad and loving husband - it will be 45 years together for them this coming August (and now you have a preview of their anniversary card)...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

working man

Celebrating my father's retirement from 39-years at Boeing, the primary impetus for my trip to Kansas. Obviously 39 years doesn't account for his entire working life as he had his own company for many years and several other jobs prior to that. And now he works full time for my mother, more on that soon...

Friday, June 18, 2010


Little cousin Zoey, is the one of the happiest babies in Kansas, brother Mike quickly took to her and threatened to make her #6 in the clan.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


marchitada, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vacant condo anyone?

From ridavio. Right to the City is a coalition of community groups in New York City that researched the situation with vacant condos in several New York neighborhoods. Last month they released their findings along with a tour of vacant condo sites in Harlem. Along the way they stopped at three sites where condos have remained vacant and unsold, sometimes for over a year. Some buildings are up to 70% vacant and developers owe the city millions in taxes. You can download the full report on the Urban Justice League's website.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


bed, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


orange, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Friday, June 11, 2010


From ridavio. This video documents the installation of Tehom, the first solo show of artist Angelo Musco. It took five days to install 191 pieces in the Carrie Secrist gallery in Chicago. When Angelo returned with his footage, I cut it together with an interview we had taped previously. The goal here was to capture the momentous effort of installing an exhibit that was the culmination of two years of work from concept to completion.

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010


purple, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Monday, June 07, 2010


Back on the job, at City Hall.

launch, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


First day back in NYC, en route from NewFest to the Eagle.

highline, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Departing King's Wharf, Bermuda.

farewell, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Friday, June 04, 2010

green & blue

St. George's, Bermuda

green & blue, originally uploaded by ridavio.


The Salvation Army church in St. George's. See more photos of this colonial gem here.

salvation, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Horseshoe Bay and the famous 'pink' beaches of Bermuda.

pink, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


First stop - Hamilton, Bermuda. 

gombeys, originally uploaded by ridavio.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


deep, originally uploaded by ridavio.