Labels: hiv prevention
Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.
Labels: hiv prevention
Labels: art
Labels: harlem, hiv prevention
Labels: hiv prevention
Spending a few last moments of together time with my parents at Wichita Midcontinental, aka ICT, before boarding my puddle jumper this afternoon; the conversation turns to airports and Mom suggests O'Hare is one of her fav's. Stuck here as AA e-mails further delays I have to say I agree with her. You have to love the amount of light they allow in throughout the venue. And I have counted no less than four Starbucks in terminal R alone. Not that I'm a fan of the brand, but let's face it folks, when you arrive all groggy eyed first thing in the morning at LaGuardia, the caffeine options aren't that strong or appealing.
Labels: video
Labels: angelo musco, art, video