bodega survey
This Spring I helped my friend Basil (aka my xikano brother) with his bodega survey in El Barrio (aka Spanish Harlem, aka East Harlem). This consisted of surveying customers who entered two bodegas (aka delis, aka delicatessens) that he had selected as sites for the projects. We asked them specific questions about their food purchases at the bodega and in the neighborhood in general. Basil recruited me to help him conduct the surveys in Spanish. I helped Basil with this project on two consecutive days - a Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and this video cuts together a little of both. New York City had initiated a program to promote healthy food choices with a product called Carrot Crunchers and this is also mentioned in the video. Basil is currently getting his Master's in Public Health from Columbia University and his passion is nutrition, especially regarding preventive healthcare for obesity and diabetes. He also has a blog related to this topic that I hope he begins posting regularly again - nudge, nudge.