Slice of life creations in video and photo format of a New York-based video and documentary producer.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


The Peru pics are on view tonight. Stop by after 8pm. Take a look and have a cracker.

Friday, February 27, 2009


A nice day to think of far off beaches or at least sort through pictures of them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The pay-roo picture party is scheduled for Saturday - have you RSVPed? invited yourself? I have to get to work on the slideshow.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'll be presenting 'Beyond the Talking Head' for MNN today. But it's happening at DCTV, not MNN.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

sky V

Monday, February 23, 2009

rough cut

Today I am submitting a rough cut to NewFest. Una Tarde en el Agustino (An Afternoon in Agustino) is a 14-minute short documentary that visits a group of three gay men and one transgender female who are starting a community center in their working class neighborhood in Lima, Peru. The focus of their work is education and counseling to prevent HIV & STIs (sexually transmitted infections) in their district. Cuti, the main character is an entrepreneur whose life has taken an interesting path to local activism. The final version will be done at the end of March and a trailer may eventually be posted. Who knows with the Oscar for short doc going to a film that featured an organization maybe I'm catching a wave - anyone want to finance my theatrical release? ;)
Hoy envie una version incompleta de un cortometraje a NewFest (el festival de cine LGBT de Nueva York). Una Tarde en el Agostino es un documental de 14 minutos que visita a tres hombres gais y una travesti que se dedican a fundar y desarrollar un centro comunitario en su barrio de Lima, Peru. El enfoque de su trabajo es educar al publico sobre la prevencion de VIH e ITS. Cuti, el caracter central, es el dueno de un salon de belleza cuya vida ha seguido un camino interesante al activismo.
La pelicula sera finalizada a fines de marzo y puede que se pone un anuncio video corto al fin del mes.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

sky IV

Yesterday was very cold in NYC and I had to run around a bit - yoga, brunch, drop the monthly show at the studio. Today I'm staying home to work and it's cloudy. The goal is to submit a rough cut to NewFest tomorrow.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Friday, February 20, 2009


Thursday, February 19, 2009


The warm weather last weekend really gave an early taste of spring. I'm ready for it and I know the ducks are ready for it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

back to work

The holiday weekend was over yesterday and most of us were back to work. But Eric lingered in New York extending his holiday and we met for lunch. Next thing you know he volunteered himself to help with the host taping. And it was a big help - thanks Eric!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today is Natalie's birthday - many happy returns! And two weeks ago on Groundhog Day was Julia's, but I missed it as I was in Peru. A package is on the way, I promise.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Happy Prez Day - a day when many of us don't have to be up and at 'em early. I made it downtown early last week to cover the protest (see below). Since I don't work anything near a 9 to 5 routine it was certainly out of the ordinary for me, but it was also fun to see that first light coming across the East River and hitting a lower Manhattan that was just starting to buzz with the energy of a workday.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Last week I ran into Greg in the subway. We met in 1989 when we were both in the same KU group studying in San Jose, Costa Rica. Greg hooked me up with some language schools where I ended up getting jobs to stay out the year. A very talented musician, after 9/11 Greg decided to give up the desk jockey work and started playing in the subway (and other gigs too). He travels a lot and had just got back from three weeks in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ben applied the toyota method to the final edit on his short film and shared it with his editor, Chris. They were using feedback from a recent screening in Iceland. Today he screens it in Norway and I wish him well with his labor of love.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Marry me?

Yesterday there was a Freedom to Marry action at the Manhattan Marriage License Bureau. Same sex couples gathered to request a marriage license and were denied. Instead they were offered a domestic partnership, which costs more money than a marriage license, but doesn't offer the same rights and protections for the couple. We interviewed one couple who have been together for 30 years.

When the couples came out again they gathered on the steps of the building and released balloons into the sky.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

keep it real

There was a party last night to celebrate the Center making it's first appearance on the MTV Real World Brooklyn. Three of the housemates showed up, and they were really sweet.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

best friend

Yes, Stump won best in show last night, but for my money Tarkan is a fine specimen and oh so lovable.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

broadway backwards

Broadway Backwards 4, the gender-reversed benefit concert extravaganza happened last night. I worked the after party coming into contact with Broadway and TV stars I know mostly nothing about, but I'm gradually becoming friends with several of them on Facebook, so I guess there is hope yet...

Monday, February 09, 2009

we need a hero

In these hard economic times, even caped crusaders can be driven up trees. (As spotted by my mother on Columbus near 105th yesterday afternoon).

Sunday, February 08, 2009

the rents

Mom & Dad came to town today. Luckily the weather lightened up a lot.

Monday, February 02, 2009


It will be a busy fun week in Lima and the best way to start is remembering the beautiful sunsets in Wakama over the weekend.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

calle union